How to Improve Security at your Business this Summer The summer weather is here and, for most regions, that means more sunshine and more hours of daylight. This can be a positive for your business as people are more likely to be out and about during the summer. Since the weather is nicer, potential customer […]
The Importance of Having Security Tools that are Easy to Use
Security Needs to be Easy to be Effective When it comes to protecting your business, it’s crucial that you have tools that are easy to operate. After all, the most sophisticated security system in the world is not effective if it is not used. If your business has a complicated security system, you will need […]
Figuring Out What Type of Security You Need
The Right Security for your Business When it comes to protecting your business from criminals, it’s important to remember that not all situations are the same. A security solution that works for one business won’t necessarily be the best plan for another. One of the keys to having effective security at your business is figuring […]
Why Criminals Rob Restaurants
Theft and Loss at Restaurants If you own a restaurant, bar, night club or fast food location, you likely know that these businesses are targets for criminals. There are a number of crimes that restaurant owners need to be on the lookout for and prepared to protect themselves against. One of the most common is […]
Security Doesn’t Have to Inconvenience People
Security Doesn’t Have to Get in Your Way A lot of people hesitate to install security systems or tools because they worry about inconveniencing their customers, their visitors or themselves. They worry that security tools will be too difficult to use and they’ll make running a business more complicated than it already is. These fears leave them […]
Gun Stores are Common Targets for Smash and Grab Criminals
Why Criminals Target Gun Stores The reality is that nearly every type of business can be a target for smash and grab criminals. All you need is an asset (such as merchandise or cash) that criminals consider valuable and your property could be targeted. However, certain types of businesses are more frequent targets. One of […]
How to Stop Criminals Before They Strike
Deterring Criminals from your Property Unfortunately, a lot of property owners only consider taking security precautions after they have been victims of a crime. After all, these people have witnessed firsthand how disruptive, costly and emotional a break-in or other crime can be, and they don’t want to go through such a situation ever again. […]
Drug Stores and Pharmacies are Common Targets for Criminals: Here’s How to Help Secure Them
Stopping Crime at Drug Stores and Pharmacies There are many reasons why criminals target properties. One major reason is because the location contains merchandise or other valuables that the criminals want. This sounds obvious, but it’s a reason that many people overlook. It’s also a concept that some misunderstand. Criminals don’t just target high-value items. […]
Security Gates Are a Wise Investment
Protecting your Property and your Bottom Line Smash and grab robberies are costly. Not only do you have to deal with the recovery costs of the stolen merchandise, but these crimes also cause significant property damage. As you can tell by their name, smash and grab robberies involve breaking through doors, windows or other […]
The Importance of Drug Store Security
Drug Store and Pharmacy Security If you operate a drug store or pharmacy, it’s absolutely crucial that you properly protect your property. After all, drug stores are very common targets for criminals. One major reason is prescription drugs. Not only do criminals want prescription drugs for themselves, but many pills and prescriptions are incredibly valuable […]