Security Doesn’t Have to Get in Your Way
A lot of people hesitate to install security systems or tools because they worry about inconveniencing their customers, their visitors or themselves. They worry that security tools will be too difficult to use and they’ll make running a business more complicated than it already is. These fears leave them unprotected and vulnerable to criminals.
A business owner does not have to choose between secure and convenient. With the right tools and strategies, security can stay out of your way while still protecting your business when you need it.
One example of this is security gates. For some people, the phrase “security gates” reminds them of large, permanent bars on doors and windows. They worry that these gates will make their property look “like a jail.” They’re scared of chasing customers away with unsightly gates that make it difficult to see through the windows.
However, most modern security gates do not have these issues. Not only are gates often designed to be more visually appealing than in the past, but they are also created to roll or fold out of the way during business hours. This means that you do not have to worry about the gates blocking your windows and interfering with customers when your location is open.
All you have to do is unlock the gates and roll or fold them back. They do not take up a great deal of space when opened. This means security and convenience.
You can even have your gates all keyed alike. This makes it easier for you to unlock them as it can be done with the same key. You won’t have to worry about struggling to find the right key for each gate on your keyring. This saves time and hassle.
The Importance of Physical Security
Rather than consider it an inconvenience, it’s important to look at physical security as a crime deterrent. The majority of criminals want to be in and out of a crime scene quickly. This means that they search for properties where there is little resistance. Installing security gates on your doors and windows will deter these criminals. Most criminals want to be in and out of a crime scene as fast as they can, before security guards or police officers can arrive. This means that most won’t consider your property to be a target as the chances of them being caught in the act are significantly higher when there are security gates installed at a property.
Physical security tools such as security gates can also reduce shoplifting. One way to do this is to lock valuables behind gates and require that customers have staff members unlock the gates in order to access the items. At first, this may seem like an inconvenience, but it definitely beats losing money and merchandise due to shoplifting.
It’s important to weigh any possible inconvenience that security tools could cause against the greater inconvenience of allowing criminals to rob your property. Shoplifting and employee crime cost businesses millions of dollars each year. Smash and grab robberies lead to high repair costs and forced downtime for companies. These losses often put companies out of business. When compared to the incredible stress and hassle caused by a crime, the minor inconvenience that could be caused by some security tools becomes incredibly insignificant.
Want some more helpful tips to improving the security of your business? Download our helpful guide to Improving Your Security Mindset.