How to Improve Security at your Business this Summer
The summer weather is here and, for most regions, that means more sunshine and more hours of daylight. This can be a positive for your business as people are more likely to be out and about during the summer. Since the weather is nicer, potential customer are often more willing to go outside and browse local businesses. In addition, people tend to stay out until later in the evening during the summer, since the sun stays out longer.
These aspects are good for business security, as many criminals avoid busy and well-lit locations. They would rather strike where it is dark or where there is no one else around to see them.
However, the fact that there’s more daylight doesn’t mean that you should forget about security during the summer months or that you should be more relaxed with your business security. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The summer months come with their own security risks and challenges.
Here are some ways that you can improve your business security this summer.
Keep an Eye Out
The summer months are often busier as people are more willing to get out and browse businesses when the weather is pleasant. On one hand, this can be good for business as it means more potential customers. It could even dissuade some criminals who prefer to work in more secluded settings. However, large crowds can also result in greater opportunities for crime.
If a retail store or other similar business has more customers inside the store, it becomes much more difficult for staff to keep an eye on everyone. This makes shoplifting much more likely. It’s a lot easier for a criminal to sneak something into their pocket or bag when staff are distracted with other customers than it is to commit the same crime in an empty store. Therefore, it is important to train staff to watch everyone in the store and to greet potential customers when they walk in.
Make Sure You’re Well-Staffed
In addition to potentially needing increased staffing due to larger crowds during the summer, it’s also important to make a plan to deal with vacations and other time off that employees may request during the summer. If you have staff that are planning to take vacation during the summer months, it’s crucial that you plan for this situation and make sure your business is adequately staffed. Criminals often take advantage of stores that are understaffed.
Don’t Forget About Physical Security
One potential issue during the summer is that people tend to focus less on security. This is often because it stays light outside for so long. During the winter, the darkness will alert you to the fact that your business needs to be secured before you go home for the evening. However, if it’s warm and sunny when you pack up for the night, you might pay less attention to security.
Criminals know this and they wait for these opportunities. Don’t forget that it’s still critical to lock up your business when you’re not around and that physical security gates are the best way to prevent smash and grab robberies.
Make sure that all of your staff members understand how important locking your security gates is and that they are all trained to properly use the gates. Proper training becomes even more important if you hire seasonal staff during the summer months. Make sure these temporary staff members completely understand your security procedures and that they follow them accurately.