Protecting your Property and your Bottom Line
Smash and grab robberies are costly. Not only do you have to deal with the recovery costs of the stolen merchandise, but these crimes also cause significant property damage. As you can tell by their name, smash and grab robberies involve breaking through doors, windows or other areas of a property with force in order to steal valuables. As you can imagine, these forceful break-ins often lead to very significant damage.
Many property owners who become victims of smash and grab robberies are faced with thousands of dollars in repair bills after the crime takes place. This amount is added on top of the loss of merchandise. In addition, many properties need to close down temporarily in order to complete the repair work. After all, it’s difficult to run a business when your front windows and doors are destroyed. This downtime hurts business owners financially.
It is only after spending a great deal of money to repair a property, re-purchase merchandise and reopen the store that many business owners decide to install security tools. They do this to prevent a similar crime from happening again. Unfortunately, adding security to your property after a break-in is too late. It might help prevent a future break-in, but it doesn’t undo the financial losses of the first crime.
The best time to invest in security technology is before a break-in takes place. This not only significantly reduces the likelihood of suffering loss, but it also deters criminals and reduces the chances of your property being considered a target at all.
Choosing Security for your Business
Criminals look for easy targets. They want to strike a property where they can get in and out quickly and with little resistance. In order to deter criminals from even considering your property, it makes sense to install physical security tools such as security gates.
Why? Because these tools put a physical barrier between a criminal and your property. They make it more difficult to break into a location. This means that a criminal will need to spend much more time and use much more effort in order to access a property. Most criminals do not want to spend a lot of time at a crime scene. This is why smash and grab robberies are so popular, because they are usually over in minutes, sometimes seconds. The longer a criminal remains on the scene, the more likely he or she will be caught in the act. For this reason, criminals often avoid properties that have security gates installed. It simply isn’t worth it to them.
It’s A Wise Investment to Install Security Now
Some business owners worry about the cost of security tools. They might not consider their property a target and think that security tools too expensive and not necessary. However, the reality is that almost any property can be a target, especially those that do not have security tools installed. By installing security gates and other tools before a crime takes place, you are reducing your risk and saving yourself from the expenses of a smash and grab robbery.
If you need help selecting a gate, please feel free to contact a member of our team. We’ll be more than happy to help you out in any way we can.