Crime Increases in the Summer Heat: What This Means for You
Many studies have shown that crime, specifically violent crime, increases as the temperature increases. For example, a 2001 paper by the University of Iowa, entitled Heat and Violence, found that “hot summers produce a bigger increase in violence than cooler summers.” Other studies, including those by the US Department of Justice and the University of Indiana, support this fact. In general, higher temperatures lead to more summer crime.
This means that businesses need to be aware of increases in violence, vandalism and smash and grab robberies. These crimes are common during the summer months and they increase as the temperature does.
But what can you do about it?
It’s important that businesses take steps to protect themselves from violent crime, vandalism and theft. One key way to do this is to review your company’s security policy and equipment.
While most businesses have taken some steps to ensure that their properties have some sort of security plan in place, many treat security as a one-time affair. However, in order to truly protect your business, it’s important that you review your security equipment and procedures regularly. This will allow you to protect your property against changing threats.
Make a point to review your current set up at least once a year. Not only will this keep you up to date with crime trends, but it will also help ensure that you are using up-to-date technology and tactics.
One way to improve security is to install physical security tools such as security gates. This is one area where you may not be updated to recent technology.
In the past, some people avoided using physical security because they were concerned with the appearance of these tools. They were concerned that they would make their location look “like a jail.” This is a valid concern, as it’s important that a business maintain a visually appealing look in order to attract customers.
However, while physical security tools may have detracted from a location’s appearance in the past, this is no longer the case. Modern security gates can be quickly and easily rolled or folded out of the way. This allows you to physically protect your location whole still maintaining a pleasing visual appearance.
How Security Gates Protect Properties
Physical security is important because it puts a barrier between your property and criminals who wish to harm it. Many crimes such as vandalism and smash and grab robberies are crimes of opportunity. Criminals see a property that lacks proper protection and they strike. These crimes are often not planned out in advance. This means that, if a property is protected by physical security gates, the opportunity for crime doesn’t exist. It is significantly more difficult to break into or vandalize a location that has security gates installed.
Most of these crimes are carried out using bricks, rocks, baseball bats and other crude tools. These tools are not effective against security gates. Therefore, many criminals will simply move on and look for another location that is easier to strike. By using security gates, you keep your property safe
Want some more helpful tips to improving the security of your business? Download our helpful guide to Improving Your Security Mindset.